This Christmas, everyone is invited to live out James 2:15-16. Let’s love, serve, and meet the needs of our neighbors in the Name of Jesus.

James 2:15 - 16 says, "Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, 'Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,' but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it?"
Christmas from Mt. Airy will be about loving and meeting the physical needs of our neighbors. There is suffering all around us. This Christmas, you and your family will have multiple opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Choose from the four projects below to learn more about how you can get involved. If possible, invite friends or neighbors to join you. We pray that you will allow God to use you mightily as you serve and go!
3. United Christian Ministries
4. Connie Maxwell Children’s Ministries
(Click on any of the above links for more information)

Operation Christmas Child
About the Project
Over 2OO million shoeboxes have been sent worldwide, spreading joy and the love of Christ. These shoe boxes open doors to share the Gospel.
Mt. Airy has packed more than 1,OOO boxes. We need help loading the truck, unpacking the truck at the collection center, and assistance with shipping costs. This is a great way to show children the meaning of giving.
​How Can I Help?
This event has completed. THANK YOU to those who donated and volunteered!
We still need help with the shipping costs of $1O/box. All the donations received will enable Samaritan’s Purse to ship to some of the hardest-to-reach places in the world.

Shut -Ins and Widows
​How Can I Help?
We need help packing the fruit on December 13.
If you want to deliver the fruit and cards with the deacons, you and your families can sign up. The delivery date will be December 14.

About the Project
The deacons will be leading this project to deliver food, cards, and well wishes to our shut-ins and widows. You can sign up to pack fruit, write cards, and to go with our deacons to deliver.
You will enjoy the love and smiles that you will encounter.

Feeding the Hungry
About the Project
Mt. Airy has partnered with United Christian Ministries to help with hunger in our community.
​How Can I Help?
We will supply food for their food bank and serve at United Christian Ministries on December 2,4, 9, 11, 16 & 18 (8:45am until 12:OOpm).
Join us as we meet the physical needs of our neighbors. This is a great way for the entire family to serve.

Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries

About the Project
We will partner with Connie Maxwell Children's Ministries to minister to and meet the physical needs of the children in our community.
This Christmas, you will have the opportunity to share the love of Christ with these incredible kids!
How Can I Help?
Mt. Airy has a listing of 15 children that Connie Maxwell has deemed the most difficult to find sponsors for at Christmas. Will you, your family, your friend group, or your BSF class come together and support?​​
This year our goal is to get $5OO worth of gifts for each child. Since we realize that is a large commitment, Mt. Airy will reimburse $2OO of that amount once we have your receipts.
All children have been sponsored! THANK YOU! There will be a wrapping party at Connie Maxwell on December 1O if you would still like to volunteer for this event.

Join us for the Selah concert on December 13 at 6:OOpm to celebrate His goodness.
Mark your calendars & come celebrate with us!
Get your tickets HERE